Laryngeal tuberculosis without pulmonary involvement

Laryngeal tuberculosis without pulmonary involvement

چاپ صفحه
صفحه نخست سامانه
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علوم پزشکی بابل
علوم پزشکی بابل

نویسندگان: محمدرضا حسنجانی روشن , کیوان کیاکجوری

نشریه: Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine , 3-1 , 397 - 399 ,

اطلاعات کلی مقاله

کد مقاله 1271
عنوان فارسی مقاله Laryngeal tuberculosis without pulmonary involvement
عنوان لاتین مقاله Laryngeal tuberculosis without pulmonary involvement
نوع مقاله گزارش مورد
عنوان نشریه Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine
شماره مجله 3-1
دوره مجله
صفحه شروع و پایان - 399
نمایه نامه Chemical Abstract
سال انتشار شمسی
سال انتشار میلادی 2012
آدرس لینک مقاله/ همایش در شبکه اینترنت

چکیده مقاله

Background: Tuberculosis of the larynx is a rare form of tuberculosis. Patients usually present with hoarseness or dysphagia and other nonspecific constitutional symptoms like fever or localized pain. In this study, we present a case of primary vocal cord lesion with tuberculosis. Case presentation: A 72 year old man presented with hoarseness of voice, low grade fever, and night sweating with in three month duration. Laryncoscopic study showed unilateral thickening of vocal cord and biopsy of the lesion showed granuloma with caseous necrosis. Chest x-ray was normal. The patient was treated with standard regimen of tuberculosis and was cured after 6 months of therapy. Conclusion: Laryngeal tuberculosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with hoarseness without pulmonary involvement in endemic regions of tuberculosis.


نویسنده نفر چندم مقاله
محمدرضا حسنجانی روشنبیشتر از ده نفر
کیوان کیاکجوریاول

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