Nietzsche’s Zoroaster

Nietzsche’s Zoroaster

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نویسندگان: حمزه شریفی

نشریه: World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization , 2-1 , 19 - 22 ,

اطلاعات کلی مقاله

کد مقاله 1275
عنوان فارسی مقاله Nietzsche’s Zoroaster
عنوان لاتین مقاله Nietzsche’s Zoroaster
نوع مقاله تحقیقی
عنوان نشریه World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization
شماره مجله 2-1
دوره مجله
صفحه شروع و پایان - 22
نمایه نامه سایر
سال انتشار شمسی
سال انتشار میلادی 2012
آدرس لینک مقاله/ همایش در شبکه اینترنت

چکیده مقاله

“Thus Spoke Zoroaster” is Nietzsche’s the gospel. He maybe sees himself another Christ in another era, an era which requires a different glad tiding; Glad tiding of a strong and overflowing life. Destroying old values, Nietzsche desires to establish new values. Human beings should pass existing level and it is impossible unless they pass through themselves and release from revengefulness. Nietzsche’s Zoroaster is a teacher who tries to reveal human being from thought of animosity and direct him toward super human. Nietzsche believes that Christian and rational values justify nihilism and he tries to show us a resolution for these crises by Zoroaster and he thinks about the people who are able to encounter with nihilism.


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حمزه شریفیدوم

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