The comparison of CD4/CD8 ratio among high and ordinary background radiation areas in Ramsar, Iran

The comparison of CD4/CD8 ratio among high and ordinary background radiation areas in Ramsar, Iran

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علوم پزشکی بابل

نویسندگان: مهرانگیز امیری , علی شبستانی منفرد , امراله مصطفی زاده , سعید عابدیان , سجاد برزوئی سیله , فریده الهی منش , میثم خسروی فارسانی

نشریه: International Journal of Low Radiation , 8-4 , 329 - 337 ,

اطلاعات کلی مقاله

کد مقاله 1314
عنوان فارسی مقاله The comparison of CD4/CD8 ratio among high and ordinary background radiation areas in Ramsar, Iran
عنوان لاتین مقاله The comparison of CD4/CD8 ratio among high and ordinary background radiation areas in Ramsar, Iran
نوع مقاله تحقیقی
عنوان نشریه International Journal of Low Radiation
شماره مجله 8-4
دوره مجله
صفحه شروع و پایان - 337
نمایه نامه سایر
سال انتشار شمسی
سال انتشار میلادی 2011
آدرس لینک مقاله/ همایش در شبکه اینترنت

چکیده مقاله

The High Natural Background Radiation Area (HNBRA) of Ramsar has been the subject of concern in the last 40 years for a high level of radiation measured in some spots as high as 260 mSv per year. Studies of health status of Ramsar inhabitants did not show significant increase in the frequency of cancer. In this study, some aspects of the immune surveillance in the HNBRA residents of Ramsar were investigated. Our results showed that the CD4+ and CD8+ percentage in residents of HNBRA was higher compared to the Ordinary Natural Background Radiation Area (ONBRA) inhabitants. However, the difference between CD4+ also CD8+ cells count and CD4/CD8 ratio in two areas was not significant statistically. These findings may indicate that the immune systems of these people are adapted but more studies to compare the function of immune systems between two groups become essential.


نویسنده نفر چندم مقاله
مهرانگیز امیریششم
علی شبستانی منفردبیشتر از ده نفر
امراله مصطفی زادهچهارم
سعید عابدیانسوم
سجاد برزوئی سیلهاول
فریده الهی منشهفتم
میثم خسروی فارسانیپنجم

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